Course Syllabus

Child Development

Quarter 3- Careers Project

Course Description:

Child Development is an introductory course for all students as a life foundation and academic enrichment. It is especially relevant for students interested in careers that draw on knowledge of children, child development, and the nurturing of children. 


  1. Be respectful to yourself, others and to the teacher. 
  2. Turn digital devices off during class. 
  3. Be engaged and ready to learn. 
  4. Be prepared with the supplies and attitude you will need for the day. 

Students who do not meet these expectations will be given a reminder, and parent contact will be made. If further issues arise, disciplinary action will be taken.

Class Materials:



Students earn their grade based upon in class participation, assignments, projects/labs, and quiz/test scores. Grades will not be weighted. Each unit typically includes notes, assignments, chapter quizzes, a unit project and a unit test. The standard West Lafayette Jr./Sr. High School grading scale will be used. Each term is weighted 45% with the final exam project weighted 10%. 


Absent/ Make Up Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to find the assignment that was missed on the day of their absence and to complete the work as soon as possible upon their return. Assignments turned in late will need a “late ticket” completed and attached to be eligible for grading. Unused late tickets can be submitted at the end of the semester for extra credit. 


Academic Integrity: 

Cheating is any action that undermines the educational goals or objectives of the class. Examples of cheating include (but are not limited to); copying another student’s work, doing another’s classwork, sharing text questions, etc. All students are expected to complete their own work to enhance the pursuit of knowledge. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due